Thursday, September 23, 2010


Design Concept Project

Logo 1


What it's all about

Hi! I decided that I should start making a blog due to my major in graphic design, and I wanted to make one anyways. I’ve always been interested in art and everything about it. In high school I tried taking as many art classes as possible without even thinking about graphic design as an interest. As it was time to really get going on the whole college thang, it seemed as though GD would be interesting to go for. College classes started and to make a long story short- it worked out! Although, I felt a little behind because it seemed like everyone in the design classes were already comfortable with all of the Adobe Design programs…I was not. I was a little intimidated but it really wasn’t as bad as I thought. Now, I enjoy every second of it. So here it goes! I’ll be posting projects that we are working on for others to gaze at, maybe some suggestions or comments? Thanks